Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tutorial Blog 4: Intro to Basic Computer Security

For my final tutorial blog I felt it was a good idea to cover a topic everyone with a computer should have some knowledge about...Computer Security. While I'm no expert when it comes to the topic, there are some basics that every computer owner and user should know. To go over the basics, we'll start from the moment you boot up your system..

Hard Drive Encryption
One of the very first lines of defense you can install on your computer is hard drive encryption software. This software can be configured to prevent your computer from even booting without your password. This can be very useful if you have personal data on your hard drive. Another big advantage of hard drive encryption is that potential intruders are not able to access your hard drive even if they remove it from your computer and connect it to another machine.

User Login
While hard drive encryption is definitely not for every user, one line of defense that every computer owner should have is a User Login and Password. It's not the most sophisticated form of security available on a computer, but for simply locking your computer and preventing use by those in your immediate area (apartment, dorm, etc.) it is more than sufficient at preventing use.
With logins, there are many options today to prevent/allow access to your system. The most common is simply a password. Though some other options that have become more and more common on today's computers are biometric readers, such as finger print scanners, and even facial recognition using a webcam. These are all great options and can be used in conjunction with each other as well as independent of each other.. Most people I know that have the options of facial recognition or finger print scanning end up entering their password more often than using an alternative, though between facial recognition and finger print scanning, finger print scanning seems to be the more favorable because it's faster. A couple aspects of facial recognition that make it not as appealing are that you need proper lighting for the software and camera to work properly, as well as time to sit still and look at the camera so it can analyze you facial features. All in all, you really can't go wrong with using the traditional password approach to deter the unauthorized use.

Now that you've got your computer booted up and you're signed in...
One of the first things you should check to see that is up and running (usually only when you first start up a brand new system) is the firewall. This feature comes built-in on most operating systems and provides a first line of defense from unwanted access that can occur when connected to an internet connection.
Next, it would be a good idea to install an anti-virus program. There are many options out there from companies such as Norton, McAfee, Avira,...the list goes on. The names mentioned are all programs that usually require the purchase of the software and a licensing fee, usually for a year, however, there are many free options available for personal use. Some of these can be found on sites such as
This brings us to our option as a supplement to anti-virus software, spyware and malware detectors. While most of the newer anti-virus programs include these features, there are many available, also free for personal use, and can be found on A few I have used in the past are Spybot Search and Destroy, and Malware Bytes.

Just a few tips regarding website account passwords...
It's very convient to have access to everything from bank accounts to credit card accounts, and various other forms of personal information online. However, when it comes to accessing theses accounts, they all have their own login systems requiring a username and password. Just about every account advises that you make at least your password unique to that site. When you think about the number of accounts you have, that amounts to many passwords...for some up to 100 plus. One feature that a lot of web browsers have included is the option to remember login information. This is one feature I refuse to use unless it is an account that contains absolutely no personal information...even then, it's still a risk. Now, you can create a Word document or a spreadsheet that contains all of your usernames and passwords, but if you do, keep in mind it is liable to be discovered should someone gain access to your computer. Keeping that in mind, should you decide to make such a file, start with the name of the document or spread sheet. Make it something that doesn't stand out as the key to your accounts, as well as something that only you would know what it's true content is. Next, rather than spelling out your entire username and password, format them as such "u*s****m*" and "p*****r*", or something along similar lines. That way, the *s act as somewhat of a password. Another option to protect these types of files, should you create one, is to encrypt them. There are many free programs that allow you to encrypt files. That way you have one password, the more complex and obscure, the better, to access all you account login data.

All in all, computer security really isn't as daunting a task as it may seem. It just comes down to be aware of potential threats and taking the appropriate precautions to deter and mitigate those threats.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Secure Email Project Blog Post

This week we discussed secure email, as well as computer security and ethics.

Here you can find a couple of screen captures from my Mozilla Thunderbird Inbox that show the responses I received from Professor Means regarding my digitally signed email and my encrypted email, respectively.

Breach of Security Article:

In recent news, there was a breach data security for an email marketing management firm, called Epsilon. Epsilon handles the email information for roughly 50 major companies, including Target, Capital One, and Hilton Honors. In the breach, the names and email addresses of customers for these companies were compromised, though the full extent is not yet known. Though none of the compromised information could directly lead to identity theft, it provides potential thieves with more than enough information to phish and spam email accounts in attempts to gain access to customer accounts.

Since the breach, the companies affected have sent out emails to their customers detailing what happened and instructions to never provide any account information through email, even if the email claims to be from the company. The article also outlines some guidelines maintaining the integrity of your email account through various precautions and tips, such as reading all emails with skepticism, because though an email may look legitimate, potentially harmful emails are made to look as though the originated from a trusted source.

To read the article I summarized and find out more of the tips you should take, go to the following link:

Friday, April 1, 2011

VoIP Call Extra Credit Blog

In looking through the extra credit opportunities, I thought this would be an excellent one to take advantage of. You'll see in my video that I took place in a conference call with 2 friends of mine, Mike and Alec, who also happen to be in ISM3004. We used Skype to host our call and I used Jing to record my screen during the call. This was not my first time using Skype to call people though. I've used it to talk to my parents a few times, but I use it more often to talk to friends, especially those friends who live abroad. One of my friends lives in Australia and has been in Hong Kong for sometime and this has been a way to keep in touch rather than pay for expensive international calling. I also thought Skype would be good to have because I will be abroad for an internship this summer and rather than pay for a cell phone in another country, I'm just going to make sure my parents have and know how to use Skype so we can keep in touch during my time away. Overall, the conference call among Mike, Alec, and myself went well. I believe we are all very familiar with Skype, which made the call very easy, quick to conduct. That said, you can follow this link to watch and listen to our Skype call if the embedded video doesn't work.  Skype VoIP Call Video

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

DoppelMe Avatar Extra Credit Blog

To create my avatar I used the website I've never made an avatar before and thought that it might be a bit of a task, but after going to and following the steps, it was actually quite easy to make one, and it's free. In following the steps, you start by selecting gender, skin and eye color. From there you are taken to the main page to build your avatar. Here you can choose a facial expression, hair, clothing, glasses, shoes, a background, and many other customization options to make your avatar reflect you. After going through all the steps, I wound up with my avatar without having to sign up for anything. One of the disadvantages to not signing up is you can't embed your avatar into websites. However, without signing up, you do get to see what it looks like when finished, which gave me the opportunity to take a screen capture of my avatar. Below you'll see what the last step of the avatar creation page looks like, and on the right-hand-side of the screen is what my avatar ended up looking like.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Access Database Project

What I Learned...
The past couple weeks I have been working on the Microsoft Access Database Project. After watching the lectures and working through the project, I learned a lot about databases and how capable they are of making many aspects of business easier. In completing this project, I learned how to import data into a database and make sure it's formatted correctly as it is imported. I also learned how to create tables and modify how and what data is displayed.  In addition to the basic data aspects of Access/databases, I learned how to run queries on the data in the database, then sort and group that data, as well as how to create and edit forms and reports in the database. I really had no idea that Access was such a powerful tool and could be so useful in making businesses run more fluidly.

Improvements for the Gym Owner...
One improvement I can think of from the get go would be for the gym owner to add a "Submit" button to the new member form if he or she is going to have that form on the computer. If you work with Access, it's ok to not have that feature, but for customers or potential customers entering their data in to the database, it may be somewhat confusing to know that your data has been added without the option to "submit" the data. Another improvement, or in this case an addition, that I think should be made to the form is an "interests" section, or something along the same lines. This way you can learn more about your customers and what they want to get out of having a membership at your gym. Then, hopefully you can use this information to hire staff that can cater programs geared toward members' interests and goals and help maximize their membership value and experience...which, in the end, could make your gym more profitable. Finally, I'm sure there are many more ways to improve this database to help the gym owner, but when it comes down to it, what really matters is that it helps him or her, and the company as a whole, to conduct business and serve the members in the best way possible.

Tutorial Blog 3: The Web Log (aka The Blog)

Prior to this course, I've had very limited exposure to blogs. I usually only encountered them when reading about current events or looking up different topics of interest online in order to get opinions, reviews, and more information on products, etc. However, blogs can be written about a wide variety of topics.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a blog is "a website that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer."

That said, a blog can essentially be written about anything the writer/author wishes to share.

Once you've figured out your first idea or topic to write about, next comes putting your thoughts into text. There are many places online where you can write and blog for free. One of these sites happens to be the one I am using for my Blogs, Signing up is free, easy, and once you have your account, you can dive right in and begin. makes sharing your thoughts and ideas as easy as possible by providing what they call the "Dashboard". Here is a screenshot of what my dashboard looks like:

As you can see, it's very clean and easy to navigate. Once you've created a profile, you can customize it and tell people about yourself, if you wish (these options are on the left, next to my picture).

Now on to the blog portion of the Dashboard...
In looking at the heading "Manage Blogs", to the right of that, you will see how many blogs you have hosted through, I currently have one. Below that, the title of your blog is displayed, i.e. "ISM3004 Blog", followed by the number of posts, the date of your last post, and a link you view your blog's page.
Next, you'll see the "New Post" button, and other options related to your blog, this is essentially your "blog control center". It seems pretty straight forward, but here you can create a new post, edit posts you've already published, as well as view comments, blog settings, etc.

To get posting...
We'll start by taking a look at creating a new post. By clicking the "New Post" button, you'll be brought to a page that looks just like this:

What's great about this page is that it looks very similar, and functions very similarly, to today's most common word processing programs, such as Microsoft Word. In creating a new blog post, all you have to do is add a title, type out your thoughts, and publish! If you wish to format, add links, pictures, videos, etc., the toolbar at the top provides you will all of these options and more. Here's an up-close look at the toolbar:

Like I said earlier, it's very similar to something you might find in programs such as Microsoft Word, and is very easy and straight-forward to use...and it even includes Spell Check!
If these options aren't quite what you wanted, or maybe you want more options, I was in the same situation when I first began posting. Not to worry though, in looking at Microsoft Word, you can actually open up a new template for a blog and publish your posts straight from Word! All you have to do is enter your log-in information when prompted by Word, type up your post, and's as easy as that.

A quick look into Editing Posts...
There's one last basic thing I wanted to touch on in this tutorial, and that's editing posts that are drafts, or posts that you have already published. To do this, you start by going to your Dashboard, and then selecting Edit Posts. In doing that, you'll be brought to a page that looks similar to this one:

Down the left-hand-side of the screen you have your labels, which you add to each post, and these are simply key words or phrases that will help people find your post.
In the main viewing pane on the screen though, you'll find the list of all your posts, both published and drafts. To the left of the title, you are given the options of editing all the posts, and for those you have published, you are given the additional option of viewing the post. To the right of the title, your labels for that post are displayed in green, along with the word "draft" if it is unpublished,  followed the date you began work or published the post, your name as the author, and the option to delete the post.
Clicking on the "Edit" option will open the post and look similar to this:

Here you can edit the post just as you would if you were typing a new post. Once you are finished editing, you can preview the post if you wish, or publish it right away!

Just a few notes...
The items I discussed above are really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to posting blogs on This web log platform gives you a number of customization options to make your blog, truly yours. Some options to choose from are layouts and designs they provide, or you can customize your layout or design and even edit the html to make your blog look the way you want it to.

In writing various blogs for this course, I've learned way more than I ever thought I would about blogs. Hopefully this informational tutorial helps you better understand the basics of this platform should you decide to publish your thoughts and ideas online.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Web2.0 Presentation and Blog

Before reading my Blog/Self-Critique, please watch my Web2.0 Presentation using the following link: Andrew's Web2.0 Presentation on

Self-Critique of My Web2.0 Presentation:

While this critique is bound to be subjective since I'm reviewing my own presentation, I'm going to try my best be as neutral as I can in my review. ;)

All-in-all, I think I did a pretty good job of putting together a very informative presentation about Part of the reason why I chose this particular topic for my presentation was in the hope that it could be used beyond the class project context to help in the expansion of the website. When putting the presentation together, I could not decide on the best logical order in which to present the content. However, I think the approach of giving background information, followed by soliciting sponsorship was the logical approach to presenting this topic. The only thing I think I would consider changing about this is the very end. I debated which order I should present the sponsorship opportunities and the example of our stock market challenge sponsors, but I think the order I chose to present makes the most sense. I'm sure there are plenty of questions I did not anticipate in my presentation, though I did my best to be as detailed as possible given the raw stage of development the website is currently in.

As for whether or not I feel I grabbed the audience's attention, I'm a bit biased here due to my involvement with the website, but I feel that it's a very interesting idea and I would definitely listen to a presentation about it as a UF business student, especially had this been around when I was a freshman. One tool I used to emphasize the particular parts of the presentation that I felt were the most important toward conveying my message was the use of questions. Upon watching my presentation, you will see that I did not use them often, but when I did, they prefaced important parts of the presentation. As you might be able to tell through my sparing use of questions in my presentation, I tend to keep my points concise and focused solely on delivering the key points and answering questions before they are asked. However, with a new website and the content we plan on it containing, there are bound to be questions that others will pose that we may not foresee.That said, I feel like I was clear in my presentation of and conveyed as much information as necessary for a general presentation of this nature.

I do not think I made very many, if any claims in the course of my presentation. However, if I did make any claims, I made sure to validate them, rather than leaving them as a potential unknown posing a point for questioning. Also, I checked and re-checked my presentation multiple times, in addition to having peers, such as my roommates, look over the presentation to make sure I avoided any inconsistencies, errors, or unbelievable claims.

One thing I cannot stand in presentations is clutter. I believe I did an excellent job of avoiding this by "utilizing the white space" as often as I could in my slides. At times when I thought my text and verbal presentation said enough about topics, I left space so the audience was able to focus on the points and information presented. There were a few times I did add some pictures to display what some aspects of the website look like, though I was sure to keep them to a minimum and use them as visuals aids to my points. By avoiding clutter, I was able to ensure readability for the audience as there was plenty of space available on my slides to allow me to increase font size when necessary. To assist with readability for my audience, I added animations to my slide so I was able to control in what order and at which time text was to appear on the slides. In adding animation, I was able to "say it and show it" simultaneously, so my audience could see the point and listen to the explanation. This was effective in my presentation because I made sure to put just enough text on the slides to convey my point, while allowing myself to further explain each point to avoid clutter and reading off of the slide.

Overall, I would say I learned a good deal about presentations and presenting from taking part in this project. There were some points I had learned over the years that were further emphasized in the material, as well as plenty of new points that I hadn't really paid attention to before. For instance, when presenting graphs of information, I never really though about monitoring how much content you displayed on the graphs and in which way you displayed it. Though, after watching some of the videos, I learned that graphs are very similar to text in that you have to avoid clutter to ensure readability. Another lesson I learned was the importances of having just enough text on your slides to convey your point. Otherwise, your audience is left trying to read the slides instead of paying attention to you. The points I just mentioned also happen to be what I feel will be the most useful to me in business in the not-so-distant future. Graduation is right around the corner and with that comes jobs and presentations in some manner or another. Utilizing the lessons learned in this segment of the course will be of great help, not only in finishing out my college career, but also as I begin my professional career.

Thanks for checking out my presentation and blog! I hope I provided some useful information.